Ps4 check download percentage
Check download progress while away from the PS4? Edit: PS4 must be in stand-by. Show activity on this post. If you start the download from your console it will only show the progress from your console. The only way to view the download progress from the PlayStation website is to push the download from there.
Once you have selected to push a download from there the web site will display if the software is waiting. Guides Can you replay missions in Halo Infinite?
Previews Forspoken Preview: Stick with the good bits 14 Dec Happy updating folks. Tags Sony. About the author. Submit your photo Hall of fame. The Overflow Blog. Millinery on the Stack: Join us for Winter Summer? Bash, ! Featured on Meta. New responsive Activity page. Screenshot of the Week Contest Happy Holidays ! Related 3. Hot Network Questions. Question feed.
Arqade works best with JavaScript enabled. Accept all cookies Customize settings. On the other hand, there are some users have serious troubles with this message; such as: That message appears then PS4 screen turns into black and nothing happens afterwards.
The PS4 is stuck on that message and the progress bar never moves on. That message appears every time the PS4 is turned on , then it performs normally, and there seems no serious issue with the PS4 system. Causes of Hardware-Related Errors The hardware-related error can happen due to many reasons, most commonly: Bad sectors on the PS4 internal hard drive [Also referred to as PS4 system storage].
A power issue within the PS4 ; either that the PS4 power supply is malfunctioning, or the PS4 power cord is damaged and needs replacement, or the PS4 motherboard itself has some serious power issue due to an abrupt power surge. The PS4 motherboard is defective. It can be a small circuit that got burnt, or even a part of the PS4 motherboard, usually the SATA connector is dead and needs replacement.
This may happen due to an unstable electrical power or a damage of the CMOS battery. Completely Disconnect the PS4 from Power The first, yet the easiest step you should carry out is to disconnect the PS4 console from power. So, try that first before going for any other solution. Make sure you do that while the PS4 is fully disconnected from power.
Seek Help from an Expert If none of the above has worked for you, the issue seems very serious that you need to seek the help of a technician. Contents hide. Completely Disconnect the PS4 from Power.
Seek Help from an Expert. Gavin says:.